Indie Campers Reviews in Munich

Read honest feedback from travelers who’ve explored Munich with Indie Campers. Whether it’s your first road trip or you're looking for inspiration from top travel bloggers, all the insights and reviews you need are right here.

Excellent 4.7 out of 5 From 35,000+ travelers

Customer Reviews

Nicole W.


A year ago

2 People
105 days
Munich → Munich
It would have been useful to have had a longer power cord as on several occasions we could not connect as the cord was quite short and we ended up buying one for €70 (which we left in the van too). Also had issues with water as didn’t have the right connector so bough a watering can to refill. Havin...
Hiroshi M.


A year ago

4 People
16 days
Munich → Munich
Thank you to provide special experiences for our family! Regarding room heating, I like to heat by fuel. That’s because, temperature of winter need much fuel. LPG is not enough for 2weeks travel beyond countries.
Zachary A.


A year ago

5 People
8 days
Munich → Munich
The staff was extremely professional and helpful in the entire process. Every business hinges on its employees to delivery a complete product package. The staff at Finsing Indie Campers definitely made a complete product package
Jacques M.


A year ago

2 People
7 days
Munich → Munich
Marco Polo
We really enjoyed our experience, however there were a few things that can be improved and what we expected to be in place - for example, the backseat adjuster was not fitted/damaged, there wasn't any wheel caps on the car and the internal heater did malfunction on certain times.

Indie Campers in the News

"Indie Campers RV was perfect for the trip, fully equipped with two double beds, camping stove, crockery, folding table and chairs"

"Recreational vehicles is experiencing a boom at present... Indie Campers aims to bridge the gap between supply and current demand for safe and sustainable travel options."

"The market is becoming more creative and of course comfortable, so this Indie Campers RV sleeps 4... Perhaps this is actually the future"

"Indie Campers, a European camper van rental platform, has expanded to the US with a Los Angeles outpost, setting the grounds for a nationwide expansion within the next two years."